Wednesday, February 22, 2012

A Healthy Habits App Wins Surgeon General's Challenge

Healthy Habits iPhone App Wins 
Surgeon General's Healthy Apps Challenge

Healthy Habits, an iPhone app by 2Morrow Mobile, has been chosen as the winner of the U.S. Surgeon General's Healthy App Challenge.The free wellness app focuses on helping people live healthier, happier lives by changing their habits. Healthy Habits won in the category of integrative health and well being. 

"I strongly believe in the importance of empowering individuals to make healthy choices", said Surgeon General Regina Benjamin, MD. "Readily accessible tools like social media and mobile apps can help people manage everything from dietary choices to physical activity, stress management and relaxation techniques."
Habits are an acquired pattern of behavior that often occurs automatically and without conscious thought. Poor habits can make it hard to create lasting change by sabotaging good intentions with unconscious behaviors. The Surgeon General's Vision for a Healthy and Fit Nation states that: "Change starts with the individual choices Americans make each day." Healthy Habits is an app that helps people reach their goals by changing their habits or default behaviors. Over 75,000 people have downloaded the Healthy Habits apps since launch in April 2011.
"We are honored to be recognized as a winner in the Surgeon General's Healthy Apps Challenge," said Brandon Masterson, President of 2Morrow Mobile. "Despite good intentions, many of today's health issues are caused by our own unhealthy habits and changing them is hard to do. With Healthy Habits we set out to create an app that helps people turns their good intentions into action."
Masterson said he also wanted to congratulate the other winners of the Surgeon General's Healthy Apps Challenge. "There are some great apps being created in the field of health and wellness, and we are excited to be part of the industry."

Surgeon General's Healthy Apps Challenge Winners:
- Healthy Habits (2Morrow Mobile) in the category of integrative health
- Lose it! In the category of fitness/ physical activity
- GoodGuide and Fooducate in the category of nutrition / healthy eating
"I've been delighted with the response to this challenge. The winning apps will help many Americans to have fun while getting fit and healthy," said Surgeon General, Dr. Benjamin.
The challenge judges included: Michelle Kwan, Wayne Jonas, Cornell McClellan, Farzad Mostashari, Todd Park, Shellie Pfohl .

About 2Morrow Mobile:
2Morrow Mobile, LLC is a Seattle area mobile start-up, specializing in creating behavior change and wellness apps that focus on helping people improve their lives by changing their habits.

Surgeon General’s Healthy Apps Challenge: Winners Announced | Public Health
US Surgeon General's Healthy App Challenge:
Surgeon General's Announcement:

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